Welcome To Nemja Protective Services

We are always vigilant.

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About Us

Nemja Security Services

It is a medium sized company with a staff compliment of 107 full timesecurity Officers and 42 Part-time officers, the company has a full administration unit supportedby a customer care team.

The company was establishedin 2004 as a Sole Proprietor then fully registered as a company in 2009. Fully registered (2009/041762/23), Tax Number (9029966190), Vat Number (4170257291), PSIRA (1735327) and institution Code of Arms (19413).

The company has secured the services of well trained specialists with general security operations , national and internation intelligence and investigative experience and research capabilities.The management's professional business experience include securityand loss control/prevention national safety and key point security, public and industrial relations, Security Risk Management, Administration and Marketing.Wit the above mentioned experience an educated loyal and motivated workforce we are confident ofprovoding the best service relating to security and protection of assets.


We have our plans and strategies set on being one of the big role players in the provision of security in the industry inSouth Africa, delivering a service that not only secures our clients and their properties but also professional and customer friendly andat the same time, continuously seeking improvement in the quality of life for our employees and clients.

We believe that your security and the protection of your assets should not come on a highly priced tag, there is nothing that can equate the value of any person's life hence we are determined to providing the best service possible at a very affordable price. Our teams are always looking for ways to keep our charges as low as possible without compromising the quality of service we render.


Our Company provides a high caliber service from grade E to A officers.


The security officers are inspected at our daily parade before deployment to their sites and are transported to and from our offices.We have a very effective Control room positioned at our offices and a routine schedule monitoring and random including rapid liaison with all sites, shift managers and Supervisor is executed to ensure maximum monitoring.


Each site has an installed Guard Trek System which compels the security officer to do his or her rounds and per clock a signal is send to our Control Room as confirmation of the officers routine duty performance. In cases where the officer skips, our Control Room notifies the shift manager and an immediate follow upon the matter is effectd and the necessary steps taken to reactive the situation.

Operational Patrols

Our Shift Managers along with our Supervisors are allocated cars for rapid response to distress calls and for effective monitoring and management purposes. Each of these officers is given a weekly routine patrol scheduled to to follow though this changes due to variations in geographic and environmental conditions along with our client demands.


Nemja has a fully accredited school of training security officers,( SETA Reg: 101918118427) it is from this pool that security officers are identified.

Company Value-adds

The Company employs only staff that is eligible for employment and firt preference has always been South African citizens. Further, only staff that meet our rigorous criteria are employed and are delegated with responsibilities and duties accordingly.

  • 01 Grade A Security Officer

    Advising on any matter affecting guarding services, assisting in screening of the candidates for employment, assuming responsiblity for staff training, supervising surbodinates etc.

  • An employee who performs one or more of the following duties; supervising, controlling, instructing, training security officers (Grade C, D or E), reporting thereon to his/her employer etc.

  • Supervising or controlling security officers grade D and E, driving motor vehiclein the course of supervising or controlling garde D and E security officers etc.

  • Controlling or reporting on the movement of persons or vehicle through checkpoints or gates. Searching persons, and if necessary restraining them entrance, supervising or controlling security officers, Grade E, searching goods or vehicles, performs any or all of the duties of a grade D security officer etc.

  • A mini call centre managing and handling day to day customer related matters is stationed at head office, this was set up to ensure maximum attention is given to customer problems and to build a strong brand loyalty.

Operational Resources

Nemja Security Services has over the years invested over R8million in capacitating its operations from operative equipment to mobile vehicles.Though the company is still medium sized we have our mission to improve our ratings as a favourable brand.

  • All
  • Response
  • Reaction
  • Operational

Rapid response

Dog Unit

Support Services




Reaction Unit






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47 Tully Street,Turffontein, 2190,

P.O Box Kwalugedlane
Mangweni Trust Between Doctor Shabangu & Mathe's Tavern Opposite Lugedlane Primary School


+27 11 683 0045

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